Sip award-winning Oregon wines inside a repurposed lumber mill featuring original industrial interior details and towering wooden beams.
Why Go: For a singular tasting experience surrounded by the winery’s historic timber frame structure.
For Those Who: Enjoy wine tasting, appreciate architectural repurposing, want to view virgin Oregon timber up close.

Sunshine Mill Winery produces Oregon Pinot Noir, Chardonnay and Riesling within a historic lumber mill originally constructed in 1928. The tasting room incorporates the mill's original soaring Douglas fir timbers and pillars, sandblasted clean to create a warm rustic interior bathed in sunlight.
Sample velvety Pinot Noir within the cavernous timber skeleton, sunlight filtering through skylights overhead. Take the spiral staircase to the mezzanine overlooking enormous preserved fir vats once used to process heartwood into chemicals. The mill allows you to walk beneath Oregon's agricultural past and future.
Part winery, part architectural heritage site, Sunshine Mill is ideal for wine enthusiasts who appreciate surrounding beauty with their Cabernet.
What You Need to Know: Sunshine Mill is located in The Dalles, OR off Highway I-84. Open for tastings daily 11am - 6pm.